LatAm & Bitcoin Tech
Bitcoin & Expat Stories
Bitcoin Filmmaking with Bitcoin Shooter | EP 07

Bitcoin Filmmaking with Bitcoin Shooter | EP 07

Bitcoin Shooter shares the story of how he got into Bitcoin filmmaking through Max Keiser and why he thinks the Bitcoin Movie he's working on will be impactful for Bitcoin.

This is my favorite episode so far.

Bitcoin Shooter (@bitcoinshooter) joins Gustavo to share how he got into Bitcoin filmmaking by working for Max Keiser, who gave him his current pseudonym. We discuss Shooter’s first project, Comeback Country, a short film about El Salvador’s dark history and shining present, and his upcoming masterpiece, THE Bitcoin Film ( Gustavo agrees with Shooter that this film is highly needed and that it will revolutionize the messaging on Bitcoin.

The intro song is Karnaval by Key Watch, an up-and-coming artist from Montreal.


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LatAm & Bitcoin Tech
Bitcoin & Expat Stories
Welcome to Bitcoin & Expat Stories, where we talk about new Bitcoin developments, the impact Bitcoin has on the world, the Latin American Market, Mexico, and Expat stories. The podcast is hosted by Gustavo J. Flores Echaiz (@gustavojfe), who receives a different fellow Expat and Bitcoiner every episode. We provide educational content but tell a story at the same time. Expect weekly (or so) episodes.