LatAm & Bitcoin Tech
Bitcoin & Expat Stories
Travel the World on the Bitcoin Standard w/ Paco de la India | EP 08

Travel the World on the Bitcoin Standard w/ Paco de la India | EP 08

Traveling to 28 countries with Bitcoin, meeting Bitcoiners worldwide and the reality of global adoption.

Paco de la India (@runwithbitcoin) joins me in Queretaro, Mexico to talk about the 8 city Bitcoin Mexico tour I am co-organizing for him, his experience traveling the world, the nuances of real global adoption with a focus on Africa, and his future plans. Paco shares insights that no one else in the world understands about Bitcoin.


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LatAm & Bitcoin Tech
Bitcoin & Expat Stories
Welcome to Bitcoin & Expat Stories, where we talk about new Bitcoin developments, the impact Bitcoin has on the world, the Latin American Market, Mexico, and Expat stories. The podcast is hosted by Gustavo J. Flores Echaiz (@gustavojfe), who receives a different fellow Expat and Bitcoiner every episode. We provide educational content but tell a story at the same time. Expect weekly (or so) episodes.